Thursday, October 05, 2006

This is funny

Several months ago, Matt received an e-mail from his ex-girlfriend saying that she was getting married, and she asked for our address. He replied to her, sent the address, and asked when exactly the wedding was going to take place (she just said November). No further response.

Well, today there is an envelope addressed just to Matt (not Mr. and Mrs. or , or Matt and Laura or anything like that, and it looks suspiciously like a wedding invitation, and its from Austin. Well, I only know one other person in Austin, and she's not getting married any time soon. I decided to open it, even though its not addressed to me (ahem, Matt opened my special birthday present FedEx this year, and then totally ruined the surprise for me by waving it in my face, so no, he really doesn't care if I open his mail. In fact, if I didn't, it would probably never get opened, so there. But I digress). Anyway, it is a wedding invitation, for a wedding that's in 5 weeks.

So my question is, am I invited to this wedding? And FYI, she was totally at my wedding, so hello, she knows that we're married


Anonymous said...

Etiquete rules say that you must invite guests' spouses and live-in boyfriends/girlfriends. Even if she has poor manners and didn't intend to invite you, you are completely within your rights to go.

Nice dig at Lauren, btw.

Laura said...

"Well, I only know one other person in Austin, and she's not getting married any time soon." NOT that there's anything wrong with that!

Anonymous said...

How about, "I don't know anyone else in Austin with an upcoming wedding."

Or, "I only know one other person in Austin, and she's my best friend. If she were getting married, I doubt the first I'd hear of it would be via first class mail."

Laura said...

Is this the "conspiracy of the singles" that Matt keeps talking about?

Lauren is not engaged. Ergo, she is not getting married anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

Totally not a singletons v. the marrieds issue. It was just unnecessary to the point of your story and could be taken the wrong way, in a sarcastic, condescending sense, that I know you did not intend. If you were one of my students, I would have circled that sentence and written "What does this add?"

But, I know you're sad that Lauren never comments on your blog, so maybe you're doing whatever you can to elicit a response from her. :)

Laura said...

I would have made use of italics if I meant to be sarcastic.