Friday, February 23, 2007

Matt's a nerd

For the last eleven years, Matt has flaunted his perfect 20/20 eyesight. Everyone told him he would never get out of college without getting glasses. We were wrong. Then we all told him that there was no way he would get out of law school without getting glasses. Wrong again. Finally, a mere month after his 30th birthday, I made an eye appointment for him, and guess what? He needs glasses for reading, computer work, and driving. He's officially a nerd.
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Tiffany B. Brown said...

if it makes him feel any better, they're quite fetching.

Laura said...

Yes, I think they make him look distinguished.

Elisa said...

matt that is not an embarrasing picture. i think the frames are nice!

if you want embarrassing, i'll send a photo to of you laura wearing her glasses from when she was a kid! HA!

Anonymous said...

Matt - Welcome to the club!! The new specs look great.